Hacker finds a glitch on Facebook 2FA
We are usually overwhelmed with so many passwords for all the different accounts we handle. Computers, tablets, iPads and mobile phones always running security scans suggesting to renew weak passwords or if they have been compromised in a data leak, even when we use 2FA. Well, as we mentioned in previous posts, there is not ‘bullet-proof’ security, unfortunately.
As technlogy evolves and security layers are constantly being reinforced by developers, Hackers also find ways, workarounds and spend many hours looking for the weak spot in protection software to allow them bypass the extra protection integrated to our social media accounts, work/personal e-mails, websites, etc.
This malitious actions make, some of us, nervous and paranoic about our privacy security and our families, and this is the main reason why, GoInsta Repairs, constantly reminds through our blog and Social media how to protect your home or business network, tips how to choose the best protection.
If you are ever a victim or know someone who has or is going through this, We would love to give our best shot and try to recover their information.
Hacker finds bug that allowed anyone to bypass Facebook 2FA. (2023, January 30). TechCrunch+. https://techcrunch.com/2023/01/30/facebook-two-factor-bypass-bug/
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